1. Online Payment using SenangPay:
2. The payment also can be made through bank transfer as per following detail:
EFT (Electronic Telegraphic Transfer) directly to our account as per below | |
Bank Name | Maybank Berhad |
Bank Account Number | 564427514833 |
Swift Code | MBBEMYKL |
Bank Address | Menara Perkeso, No.281, Jalan Ampang, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Please forward the copy of the payment slips to our contact person:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koussoube Issa – koussoube.issa@mediu.edu.my
Conference email: icls.flan@mediu.edu.my
The registration fee includes:
- Participation certificate.
- Conference abstracts booklet.
- Publishing the scientific record of the conference in indexing digital books (Digital Book Index)
- Conference bag.
- Meals during the conference.
- Nominating distinguished researches and publishing them in the Al-Madinah University AL-Lisan International Journal for Linguistic & Literary Studies.
* Note: The conference organizer does not bear the expenses of accommodation, travel and transportation.